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The GREAT Child Programme is a 4-week in-person course. Introducing young people (aged 13-17) to their brains, minds, and bodies. It is a scientific and evidence-based approach that teaches teenagers practical ways to nurture their minds and manage their emotions in achieving a GREAT day!

"You alone cannot help your child manage their mind."
"Your child NEED to learn to manage their own mind."

Children are emotional learners.

Due to your child's brain development, they can develop the habit of 'solely' relying on the emotional part of the brain
(vital functions) while the thinking brain is still growing. When this part of the brain is overstimulated, it takes the thinking part of the brain offline, which can cause mind & emotional imbalance and behavioural problems.

Your child needs to learn the skills in bringing their thinking mind online. Unfortunately, this creative part of the brain cannot activate itself unless parents and guardians support their children in developing the thinking skills and attitudes in building emotional resilience.


  • What will my child learn?
    Your child will learn about the 1,2,3, A, B, C of mind and emotional nurturing in just two simple steps. The entire G.R.E.A.T Youth Wellbeing Programme covers the following; ​1: An introduction to understanding thoughts | The connection between the child's Brain, Mind & Body 2: Building confidence through changing thoughts, decreasing negative thinking & increasing positive emotions. 3: Learning to Unlearn; through focused awareness, intentional thinking, and taking small steps in finding daily balance. 4: My 5 Ways of Mind Emotional Nurturing | Practical ways to apply and balance my young mind & emotional Well-being.
  • How long will the programme take?
    This is a 4-week face-to-face delivery programme. Starting with: (90 minutes) classes each week. The sessions will always start with and end with mindfulness. Your child will learn how to apply non-judgemental listening with curiosity skills to find calmness, certainty, and clarity.
  • Who will my child be learning with?
    There are a maximum of 12 young people in a session between the ages of 13 and 17. Your child will get to connect and meet other young people within the community.
  • What else will my child need for the session?
    ​Your child will need a computer or laptop, a stable internet connection, and a quiet space with a pen and book. Preferably, they will also have a journal to help them on their journey to self-discovery.
  • How much does the programme cost?
    The cost of the G.R.E.A.T Child programme is as follows; Currently FREE! Please check out the programme running at the moment to register. In some cases, a small charge between €10 to €20 is requested for the G.R.E.A.T. PARENT programme.

What's Next... after the programme?

A child's brain-mind & body requires daily balance.


Helping your child get 'emotional closure' every day is a continuous learning process.


We offer the choice of:


  1. One-to-One | GREAT Confidence Coaching

  2. Group| Parental Support Workshop


Option one will help your child hone additional skills in enhancing their mind & emotional well-being.

Option two is a time and cost-effective Parental Support webinar helping parents be the ONE GOOD ADULT!

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