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Think Blog

Think Blog is our FREE KNOW-HOW section. An informative blog post, offering helpful questions and suggesting practical solutions. In addition to providing simple tools and tips on how young people can develop their self-belief skills in motivating themselves towards thinking, feeling, and acting GREAT, ultimately improving their wellbeing.

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I have a busy life and feel stressed. What can I do?

Some young people spread themselves too thin with extracurricular activities. Because of this, their academics suffer. Parents are also adding more activities to their teenager's schedules with the belief that taking more responsibilities will help their little ones become successful in life.

The issue is parents are not teaching their kids how to manage their minds and time. This starts with helping young ones with their belief skills, having constraints, and learning to prioritize and make adjustments as needed.

For the academic side, learn to organize your approach to schoolwork to work more effectively. Being disciplined will make you feel more in control of the situation and less stressed. There will always be enough time to meet up with friends and play.

There are two questions that you need to ask yourself. Am I taking on more than I have time for, or am I not using my time wisely? Either way, you feel stressed because you are not being disciplined with your time. This is a well-being issue. Time management is a skill that needs to be developed in all youths.


What is the difference between substance abuse and addiction?

Substance abuse refers to the use of illegal substances or legal substances in a way that can be harmful. Prescription medication, alcohol, smoking, and vaping are all legal. However, their abuse can lead to serious legal, medical, or psychological consequences.

Addiction occurs when the person becomes dependent upon the substance. All addictions begin with substance abuse.

What can I do to avoid engaging in substance abuse?

  • If someone invites you to a party where substance abuse may be an issue, tell them that you cannot attend because you have other plans that you are unable to break.

  • If you are at a party and substance abuse is a part of it, tell the host that you need to leave because you received a call from your parents.

  • Just say “no.”

  • If you are uncomfortable saying these things, practice in front of a mirror until you feel comfortable.

How can I help myself or a friend who has a problem with addiction?

Whether the person with the addiction is you or someone you care about, find an adult you trust that you can talk to. You cannot stop other people from using, but finding support is important if you are emotionally connected to the addicted person. You can also let the addicted person know that you are there for them if they need someone to talk to.

Call HSE Drugs and Alcohol helpline. freephone on 1800 459 459 or Sent an email to

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