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Think Blog

Think Blog is our FREE KNOW-HOW section. An informative blog post, offering helpful questions and suggesting practical solutions. In addition to providing simple tools and tips on how young people can develop their self-belief skills in motivating themselves towards thinking, feeling, and acting GREAT, ultimately improving their wellbeing.

Whatever you do, action or inaction... Think


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After completing two days of intense Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training (ASIST), I have decided to write about the topic of suicide briefly!

Suicidal thoughts are more common than you may think. 11% of 18-25 years of age have reported having thoughts of suicide. According to World Health Organisation (WHO) 2021, suicide is the fourth cause of death amongst youngsters aged 15-19. For the 15-24-year-old age group, the rate of suicide is 14 per 100,000 people.

If you have thoughts of suicide, it is important to get help. You may think occasional thoughts of suicide are no big deal. The problem is that these thoughts can build upon each other and eventually lead to a crisis.

It is important to seek help before it becomes a crisis. Talk to an adult who you trust, a counselor, or call the Youth Suicide Prevention Ireland at 1800 828 888

I think someone who I know may hurt themselves. What should I do?

  • It is important to ask them if they have thoughts of hurting themselves. Please encourage them to seek help.

Local GP or Emergency Department
Emergency Services on 112 or 999
Samaritans anytime on Free Phone 116 123
Pieta Free 24/7 Crisis helpline:1800 247 247Text HELP to 51444
  • If they seem resistant to getting help, tell someone. It would help if you told their parents unless you believe it will make things worse for your friend. It is important to tell someone.

  • Also, if your friend admits that they are thinking of hurting themselves and tell you to keep it private, tell them that you cannot make that promise. You may be saving their life even though you may lose their friendship.


Is it okay for teenagers to Vape?

It is important to know that while vaping is now popular among young people and adults, no studies suggest it is harmless. Vaping is not a safe alternative to cigarettes. You may want to get your head out of the clouds. Think practically and ask yourself;

  1. Why do you want to vape?

  2. What do you believe vaping will give you?

  3. Is it because you think it is cool, or will it help you fit in with your peers?

Start questioning your thinking. Think of alternative ways to meet your needs that are proven safe.


Should I join a gang?

Many young people do not feel that they belong to anything. Also, they are looking for meaning. Young people are often drawn to gangs because they believe in the things offered. You will be disappointed; this false promise can lead to well-being issues. Understanding what makes you want to be involved in a gang and the risks is vital.

Mind Emotional Nurturing

Joining a gang never leads to anything positive. Instead, ask yourself why you want to join a gang and explore alternatives. Example: If your reason for wanting to join a gang is to find belonging, then start questioning your thinking. Ask yourself what other ways you could experience belonging that offer only positive outcomes for your life.

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